Clothing Colours for My Skin Tone

Often you will hear people talking about how a specific colour is really flattering on them, or how they avoid a specific colour because it ‘washes them out’, but what does this really mean? There isn’t really any set rule, you can wear whatever colour you want! However, there are certain colours that are known to better flatter different skin tones. In this post we will be breaking it down into four different categories: warm skin, cool skin, neutral skin, and then those colours that just suit everybody. Keep reading if you are looking for some help finding the best colours to flatter your tone.

What colour clothing will flatter me the most?

For warm skin tones

If you have a warmer skin tone, the best colours to enhance your complexion are those that are rich. When it comes to warmer colours you should go for reds, peaches, corals, oranges, ambers, golds, and yellows. If you are wanting to add some cooler colours to your wardrobe, try and go for the warmest version of cool colours out there. These are colours such as olive, moss, orchid and violet-red. Similarly with naturals, you want to always try and go for the warmest option out there. So instead of cool colours like icy blues or jewel tones that could make you look grey, choose creamy or brown warm tones that will help to brighten your appearance.

For cool skin tones

For those of you with a cooler skin tone, you will find that colours that are also cooler in colour will be the most flattering on your skin. Colours such as bright blues, deep purples, lavender, or pink are just a few that will really bring out your colour. If you want to wear some warmer tones, red is always a great option, as it actually has a cool blue undertone that will match your skin perfectly. You can also go for paler warm colours, like a muted yellow. Most neutral colours will suit you, just try to avoid anything that is too orange in tone or a strong yellow as these could clash with your skin.

For neutral skin tones

Those of us with neutral skin tones tend to have it the easiest when picking something off the colour wheel, however it does tend to look best if you go for muted versions of a colour instead of anything too bright. Colours such as a dusty pink will really flatter your skin tone, or a deep lagoon blue. When looking for neutral colours, coffee colours, mid range greys, and off-white and perfect for flattering your skin. Much like with the cooler tone skin, a true bright red will really flatter your complexion.


For everybody

There are a few special colours out there that truly look great on any skin tone! This is because they provide the perfect balance of warm and cool, so it doesn't clash with anyones skin type. Pure white is always a great option as it goes with everyones skin, just look out for some white’s that have a warm or cool undertone as this can throw off how you think white looks on you. For something darker, a deep eggplant purple is fantastic on anybody. It acts as a neutral and will accentuate your skin tone without overpowering it, no matter if you’re warm, cool, or neutral.

As with anything, everybody is different, so don’t feel like you can’t experiment with different colours just because it’s recommended. You should always give colours a try and then decide what you think looks best for you individually, but having this guide does help you better understand what might flatter your skin tone the best.


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