How to wear prints and patterns

How to wear prints and patterns

How to master prints and patterns

People often overthink prints and patterns, wondering what you should and shouldn’t wear together when you’re planning an outfit. Adding a bold print or pattern to your outfit is a quick and easy way to show you’ve put effort into your outfit, rather than just opting for neutral items. Learning how to incorporate just one pattern at a time will give you a great understanding of how you can play with patterns, and as you get more confident you’ll understand just exactly how it is you like to wear these items.


We know prints and patterns can be intimidating, which is why we’ve put together this blog. Keep reading for some tips on how to wear prints and patterns as well as a run down on some of the most popular styles out there.

Mix patterns with something neutral

When you want to wear patterns the easiest way to make sure you aren’t clashing is to opt to wear it with something neutral with it. This way the rest of your outfit is neutral, and then the item that’s a pattern or print is your staple item. For example you might decide to wear a patterned leopard print skirt and then pair this with a black top and shoes. 

Start small

When first starting to wear patterns and prints it can be easier to style smaller pieces rather than larger items. If wearing a patterned item of clothing feels like too much too fast, start with items such as socks, a bag or shoes. This way you can add something different to your outfit without it being difficult to style.

Trust your own style

As with all fashion, everything is personal. There is no exact rule you have to follow when wearing patterns and prints, it’s all about what you think looks and feels good on you. A design that you like somebody else might not, and that’s fine that’s just the way fashion works! The most important part is that you love what you’re wearing, when you feel confident in an outfit you’ll look even better to everyone else.

Popular prints and patterns

There are a lot of different prints and patterns out there, and it can be overwhelming when you don’t know what you’re looking for. Here are some of the most popular styles you’ll find when out shopping:


  • Gingham - woven checkered pattern, usually white and one other color.
  • Stripes - come in all different styles including both vertical and horizontal 
  • Animal prints - mimic the stripes, spots, and scales of wild animals. 
  • Plaid/tartan - a woven fabric traditionally made from wool. 
  • Floral patterns - a design that features different types and sizes of flowers.
  • Polka-dots - a pattern created out of repeated circles. 
  • Paisley - features a teardrop design with a curved point. The interior of the teardrop often contains intricate geometric or floral-inspired designs. 

The main thing to remember is don’t be afraid to experiment! Spend time in your house creating different outfits with patterns, this way when you need to get ready you already have the perfect outfit planned and know your patterned item works with what you want to wear. 


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