Fashion new year's resolutions for 2023

Fashion new year's resolutions for 2023

Fashion resolutions to try in 2023

The new year always brings along with it resolutions for people to try to achieve in the year to come. These can be small or big changes, but why not try to commit to some fashion resolutions for the next year? Your clothing is something that’s a part of your everyday life, but also isn’t too big of an attachment that you won’t want to change, so it’s a really easy way to set yourself a resolution that doesn’t feel too daunting. We’ve put together this blog to give you some inspiration for fashion resolutions you can make for 2023.

Improve your sustainability

This may seem like a small change to you personally, but being more sustainable with your wardrobe can contribute to helping save the planet.  With the increasing harm of global warming, more people are looking for ways they can make small changes that will make a big difference. One place we can be more sustainable is with our clothing.


Instead of constantly feeling like you need to buy new items of clothing, go through your wardrobe and look for things you no longer wear that have potential to be turned into something that’s more your style. With these you can either get them altered to fit you better, or completely redesigned, whatever you wish! The possibilities are almost endless with alterations, which makes it really exciting to do.

Clear out your wardrobe

A task that we constantly avoid doing is clearing out our wardrobe, and while it may sound like a small thing to make a resolution about, you’ll be surprised how much having that goal will motivate you. When we have too much clothes we end up forgetting about half of the stuff we have and end up convincing ourselves we have nothing to wear and need to buy more clothing to wear.  By going through everything you own you can find things you completely forgot you had and finally start wearing them again. Anything you no longer wear can either be taken to a seamstress and redesigned, or donated to your local charity shop. 

Try something new

The new year gives you a great opportunity to try something new. It can be scary to try something different with our clothing, but taking a step out of your comfort zone could bring you an entire new realm of outfit opportunities and confidence when you feel good in them. Maybe you have a dress in your wardrobe you never wear because you feel like it’s too dressy, or a pair of trousers that you love to try on at home but never have the confidence to leave the house in. Don’t talk yourself out of something, instead get dressed and get out. You will feel and look great for doing it.


Rather than setting large unrealistic resolutions, start small with these fashion resolutions for 2023. Setting resolutions that you’re more likely to complete help with your confidence, and can help you set healthy habits when it comes to clothes shopping.

For all of your clothing tailoring and alterations needs, get in touch!

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